In computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application program) which services the requests of its clients by forwarding requests to other servers. A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource, available from a different server. The proxy server provides the resource by connecting to the specified server and requesting the service on behalf of the client. A proxy server may optionally alter the client's request or the server's response, and sometimes it may serve the request without contacting the specified server.
In this case, it would 'cache' the first request to the remote server, so it could save the information for later, and make everything as fast as possible. A proxy server that passes all requests and replies unmodified is usually called a gateway or sometimes tunneling proxy. A proxy server can be placed in your computer or at specific key points between the user and the destination servers or the Internet.
In layman's terms, a Proxy Server is a computer network that is geographically close to you, that serves-up files that have been requested by you previously, or by users in your geographical area. This allows users in a particular neighborhood in New York, for example, to quickly access files located in Hanoi, or Bahrain, or Sri Lanka, without having to request those pages from the (remote) host server - IF - those pages have been requested from users in that area before. The more popular a Web site is, the better the chances are that its pages will be stored on your (local) Proxy server. For example, since almost everyone uses Google, Yahoo,
MSN, & AOL search engines, many pages for these sites are found on every Proxy Server on the planet.
What this incredible piece of software does is to access the proxy servers in its list, and "simulate" page requests or URLs you provide (your Web site URLs), and make it seem like users in whatever part of the world that the accessed proxy server is located, are "hitting" your Web site - and it does this without actually loading your Web site's pages!! In other words, the bandwidth of your Web site is NOT affected by this process.
The Proxy list is what makes the Rank Enhancer software works - Note: A Proxy list ia already provided and pre-installed with Rank Enhancer software, but you can also add your own proxy list. Proxy lists are available here: Proxy List Providers, and the proxy list found here: Text Proxy List is updated daily in text format.
To get your own copy of Rank Enhancer, Click Here
Rank Enhancer Creates Website"Hits"Without Impacting Bandwidth
Rank Enhancer Will improve your ranking and placement by using special technology that tricks the ranking systems into thinking that thousands of visitors are coming to your website. When Alexa crawls the proxy servers, and sees all this activity, that helps move you up the search-engine ladder. All of this is done without actually loading your Web pages like the FFA lists and Autosurf programs do. This means that using this program (or leaving it run continuously) will NOT impact the bandwidth restrictions of your Web site.
To get your own copy of Rank Enhancer, Click Here
But Isn't This Cheating?
In a word.... YEP! - But it all depends on how you define "cheating". In a world of relativistic morality, YOU make the decision... YOU make the decision based upon how successful you want your Web site-based business to be. It is only a matter of time before many more people than are now aware of this technology begin using it to increase their Search Engine ratings. The longer you put off using this tool, the more you will struggle
with other, more expensive methods to increase your business - and you will be fighting howitzers with pea-shooters; you will be spending your time posting ads and answering thousands of "confirmation" eMails
(not that this method doesn't work) instead of boosting your "apparent" hits on "autopilot" as this program does.
To get your own copy of Rank Enhancer, Click Here
Will my sites be banned from the Search Engines for using this software?
The answer to the question is, "NO"
I'm sure that the people at Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, et al., know about Rank Enhancer.... and they're not busting their brains over it.... not YET, at least. And even if they embarked on an all-out campaign to BAN all the Web sites that used Rank Enhancer to boost their Alexa ratings from their search engines, they would FIRST have to come up with a way to IDENTIFY those sites. The trouble (for them) is that there is simply NO WAY TO TELL whether a request for a Web page on a Proxy Server came from an actual user browsing
your Web site, or if it came from YOU using this software. This ONE little software application has rendered the Alexa Ranking System invalid, and all but obsolete. Almost gone are the days when a large company with an unlimited advertising budget is able to completely submerge the little-guy competition to the depths of the Search Engine abyss.
To get your own copy of Rank Enhancer, Click Here
How Does Rank Enhancer Boost My Sales?
Indirectly. Rank Enhancer is NOT a sales tool. It is NOT an e-Mail marketing tool; neither does it place any ads, or generate any entries in the FFA lists. What this tool does is improve your Search Engine rankings. Depending on how you set it up, and how often and how long you use it, and also depending upon the keywords, content,
and SEO-friendliness of your Web site, your site will start to move up in the Search Engine rankings. This is important, because no matter how great your Web site is, it won't get seen on a Google or Yahoo search if it is on page #697 of 1042.
Visit the Alexa website at and scroll to the bottom of their website page and add your web address into their system, If your site is not ranked yet so that the Alexa engine can crawl your Web site and start gathering the required information.
We have seen some really amazing software in our 18 years in the computer business, but this piece of software simple, compact, and is a "must have" for every Webmaster trying to establish a significant "footprint" in Cyberspace.
Rank Enhancer software is compatible with all IBM Machines.
To get your own copy of Rank Enhancer, Click Here
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